Servicios |
Empresa |
BioExt Group offers assessment and services for agricultural production through the introduction of biotechnological techniques. |
Generation of elite plantlets |
Micropropagation (tissue culture) of plantlets with the following advantages for the producer:
• Avoids fluctuations in the cultures. This allows production in a short period of a plant population genetically homogeneous.
• Assures a continuous production with no seasonal fluctuations.
• Reduces greenhouse required space.
Stock plants can be stored in vitro.
• Allows obtaining healthy plants from sick ones and keep a continuous source of pathogen free plantlets.
• Keeps in each one of the of the plants the characteristics of the best speciments.
• You can choose your elite plant and we clone it for you |
Certification of valuable or authorized varieties before their exportation. Identification of local varieties.
This gives the producer control over the material he buys or sells. |
Transgenic plants identification |
For exportation to certain markets, especially in Europe, it is important to certify the material is not genetically modified. We use DNA techniques that detects all approved transgenic crops and uses internal controls to assure the quality of the DNA extraction. |
More valuable plants, assisted breeding |
If you wish to combine the most favorable traits of two varieties in one, the tracing of these traits could be performed with DNA tools like the ones used in the certification and characterization of varieties, which can simplify and accelerate the process. |
Diagnosis and control of pathogens in crops |
To check the healthiness of the material to be bought or sold, it is valuable to count with methods of diagnosis for phytopathogens, which confers an added value to the material. These methods must be fast, inexpensive and applicable to many samples simultaneously. |
Factorial essays at limited scale allow a determination of the best local conditions for a particular crop. The producer gets a complete report on the optimum conditions recommended. |
Use of new technologies in the field |
Biological inoculants and transgenic plants can rise the yield under appropriate circumstances. BioExt asses the producer on the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies on each case. |
First generation of transgenic plants brought advantages for the producer (resistance to herbicides or pathogens), but in some countries it is not well received by the consumers. The next generation is arriving and will bring benefits for the consumer, like more nutritious food and plants that produce pharmaceutical compounds.
Bioext is an enterprise created in the National University of Quilmes for the generation of new technologies in the crop production. Its members have an state of the art knowledge of new agricultural biotechnologies along with expertise in the field, and the support of an emerging new University with high relevance in the biotech field in our country.
Agricultural biotechnology improves and enriches production processes from the technical viewpoint. The Vegetal Production Techniques Development Lab is a joint enterprise of BIOEXT and UNQ; and counts with a team devoted to the adaptation and transfer of vegetal production techniques, with a dynamic capability of finding quick solutions to regional issues.
Bioext group understand that agricultural biotechnology includes not only cutting edge techniques unknown or not properly used by producers. There is a necessity of an integral technological transfer that includes also basic aspects generally overlooked. This transfer finally has the effect of rising yields or conferring an added value to the production, elevating the specific gain per area unit and so the producer profit.
We offer high added value products, training in the use of tech tools of easy application, rational strategies of tailor made production and high tech services.
In this particular moment we are looking for a second round of investment and cooperative partners for introduction in Argentina of other technologies: artificial seed, new transgenic traits, etc. |